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Washington University Experience | VASCULAR | Atherosclerosis | 18A1 Atherosclerosis, endarterectomy (Case 18) H&E 2X

18A1 Atherosclerosis, endarterectomy (Case 18) H&E 2X
Case 18 History ---- The patient is a 67-year-old man who presented with right sided weakness. MR imaging performed on September 29 showed an area of diffusion-restriction which was mildly hyperintense on FLAIR imaging, suggestive of early acute infarct, in the left lateral putamen extending into the corona radiata. A carotid angiogram performed on October 1 showed 75% stenosis of the left internal carotid artery at the C4 level. The patient underwent left sided carotid endarterectomy. Operative procedure: Left carotid endarterectomy. ---- 18A1-3 A portion of the endarterectomy specimen showing areas of intimal smooth muscle proliferation, lipid laden macrophages and cholesterol clefts.

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