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Washington University Experience | VASCULAR | Herniation - Cingulate | 4A0 Case 4 History

4A0 Case 4 History
Case 4 History ---- The patient was a 35 year old man who was diagnosed with an astrocytoma in 1993. He received surgery and radiation therapy at that time; however, the tumor recurred in 8/96, after which time investigational chemotherapy with 9-AC, a topoisomerase inhibitor, was administered. The patient received the last dose approximately one week before admission and mild neutropenia was noted. The past clinical history is remarkable for a seizure disorder, probably secondary to the tumor, a bicuspid aortic valve with aortic insufficiency and a right lower extremity deep vein thrombosis, treated by placement of an inferior vena caval filter. The patient was readmitted to BJH on 4/24 after neurologic deterioration over the last few days. He had complete right sided hemiplegia and aphasia, and during the hospital stay further deteriorated becoming unresponsive and febrile (39.3 oC) on 4/26. A DNR order was in effect, and only comfort measures were provided. The patient died on 4/26.

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