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Washington University Experience | VASCULAR | Infarct - Subacute | 11A0 Case 11 History

11A0 Case 11 History
Case 11 History ---- The patient was a 59 year old man with extensive medical history including HTN, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, rectal carcinoma and coronary artery disease who presented for a hernia repair March 2002. On the day of discharge, he developed nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. He was readmitted and found to have a perforated small bowel. He was believed to be septic and developed persistent hypotension despite pressor support. He also developed acute renal failure and myocardial infarction. During a long hospitalization he had persistent mental status change. Head CT showed right occipital infarct, likely not acute. He further developed multi-organ system dysfunction including hepatic failure. Repeat head CT one month later demonstrated some hemorrhagic development of the right occipital infarct region. Blood cultures grew both bacterial and fungal organisms. He underwent total colectomy and 2 small bowel resections. However, the patient remained septic and died in June 2002.

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