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Washington University Experience | VASCULAR | Small Vessel Disease | 14A0 Case 14 History
Case 14 History ---- This patient was a 69 year old man with a 9 year history of progressive supranuclear palsy. His initial examination was significant for bilateral parkinsonism manifest as axial predominant rigidity, symmetric bradykinesia, hesitancy with downgaze and postural instability. A trial of levodopa combined with entacapone produced no substantial benefit. He became wheelchair dependent in 2002. In November 2007, he was found to have colon cancer, and had a significant global decline after surgery that required nursing home care for the last 6 months prior to his death from respiratory failure and inanition. ---- At autopsy the unfixed brain weighed 1310g. Findings were consistent with the diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy and widespread arteriosclerosis.