Washington University Experience | Archive | April 2004

Total matches for April 2004: 11

1D3 Cryptococcus (Case 1) gross 6
1G1 Cryptococcus (Case 1) Mucicarmine 2
1G2 Cryptococcus (Case 1) Mucicarmine 1
2A2 Cysticercosis (Case 2) H&E 3
3A2 Meningioma, clear cell type (Case 3) H&E
3B1 Meningioma, clear cell type (Case 3) PAS without diastase
3B2 Meningioma, clear cell type (Case 3) PAS without diastase
3C Meningioma, clear cell type (Case 3) PAS with diastase
9B1 Subependymoma (Case 9) gross 2
9B2 Subependymoma (Case 9) gross 1
15 Heterotopia and Polymicrogyria (Case 17)

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