Washington University Experience | Archive | July 2009 (2)

Total matches for July 2009: 68

3A4 Vasculitis, Giant Cell Temporal Arteritis (Case 3) 4
3B1 Vasculitis, Giant Cell Temporal Arteritis (Case 3) SMA 1
3B2 Vasculitis, Giant Cell Temporal Arteritis (Case 3) SMA 3
3C1 Vasculitis, Giant Cell Temporal Arteritis (Case 3) VVG 1
3C2 Vasculitis, Giant Cell Temporal Arteritis (Case 3) VVG 2
3D1 Vasculitis, Giant Cell Temporal Arteritis (Case 3) CD68 1
4C1 CJD, 5 yr Hx PrP proven (Case 4) whole mount 2
4C4 CJD, 5 yr Hx proven PrP (Case 4) H&E 11
4E1 CJD, 5 yr Hx PrP proven (Case 4) whole mount 3 Biels
4E3 CJD, 5 yr Hx proven PrP (Case 4) CJD, Biels 3
6A2 FCD IIB (Case 13) H&E 1
6F2 Papillary Tumor of the Pineal Region (PTPR) (Case 6) EMA 3.jpg
6J Papillary Tumor Pineal Region (Case 6) VIM 1
7A1 Medulloblastoma, desmoplastic (Case 7) H&E WM 1
7A2 Medulloblastoma, desmoplastic (S09-29798) H&E 1.jpg
7A3 Medulloblastoma, desmoplastic (S09-29798) H&E 2.jpg
7A4 Medulloblastoma, desmoplastic (S09-29798) H&E 3.jpg
7B1 Medulloblastoma, desmoplastic (Case 7) SYN WM 1
7B3 Medulloblastoma, desmoplastic (Case 7) SYN 2.jpg
7C2 Hemangioblastoma (Case 7) H&E 2.jpg

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