Washington University Experience | Archive | March 2010

Total matches for March 2010: 30

1A1 Pituitary Adenoma (Case 1) Smear 2.jpg
1A2 Pituitary Adenoma (Case 1) Smear 1.jpg
1A6 Cerebellar Cortex (Case 1B) Smear 1
1A7 Cerebellar Cortex (Case 1B) Smear 4
2A2 Pituicytoma (Case 2) H&E 2.jpg
2A3 Pituicytoma (Case 2) H&E 4.jpg
2B1 Pituicytoma (Case 2) S-100 1.jpg
3B3 NMO Spectrum Disorder (Case 3) H&E 6
3B4 CJD (Case 3) GFAP Basal Ganglia
3E1 NMO Spectrum Disorder (Case 3) GFAP 2
3E2 NMO Spectrum Disorder (Case 3) GFAP 1
6A1 Meningioma, Papillary (Case 6) H&E 3.jpg
6A2 Meningioma, Papillary (Case 6) H&E 5.jpg
6A4 Meningioma, Papillary (Case 6) H&E 4.jpg
6C Meningioma, Papillary (Case 6) VIM 2.jpg
7A2 MS, cortical plaque (Case 7) gross 3 copy
7A3 MS, cortical plaque (Case 7) gross 2A
7B7 MS Plaque (Case 7) whole mount plaque Correlate with N8 Biels 1
7B9 MS Plaque (Case 7) whole mount plaque Correlate with N8 GFAP 1
9 Central Chromatolysis NF 3

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