Washington University Experience | Archive | October 2012 (4)

Total matches for October 2012: 68

16C2 MPNST with Meissner's (Case 16) Coll IV 4
16C3 MPNST with Meissner's (Case 16) Coll IV 1
16C Oligodendroglioma, anaplastic, met (bone marrow) UAB (Case 16) Ki67 2
16E2 Chondrosarcoma, low grade (looks like chordoma, Case 16) S100 1
18B4 MPNST, plex NF in NF1, epitheloid (Case 18) H&E 5
18F MPNST, plex NF in NF1, epitheloid (Case 18) p53 2
29A1 Congophilic Angiopathy (Case 29) L4 H&E whole mount
29B1 Congophilic Angiopathy L4 BAmyloid whole mount 1

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