Washington University Experience | Archive | May 2013 (6)

Total matches for May 2013: 350

2B1 Toxoplasmosis (Case 2) H&E smear 2
2B2 Chordoma, pelvic (Case 2) H&E 5.jpg
2B2 Intravascular Papillary Endothelial Hyperplasia (Case 2) H&E 2
2B2 Papillary Tumor of the Pineal Region (Case 2) H&E 13.jpg
2B2 PPTID (Case 2) SYN 5.jpg
2B2 Toxoplasmosis (Case 2) H&E 2.
2B3 Chordoma, pelvic (Case 2) H&E 6.jpg
2B3 Intravascular Papillary Endothelial Hyperplasia (Case 2) H&E 3
2B3 Liponeurocytoma, cerebellar (Case 2) H&E 4.jpg
2B3 Papillary Tumor of the Pineal Region (Case 2) H&E 14.jpg
2B3 Toxoplasmosis (Case 2) H&E 1A
2B4 Intravascular Papillary Endothelial Hyperplasia (Case 2) H&E 6
2B4 Liponeurocytoma, cerebellar (Case 2) H&E 7 copy.jpg
2B4 Papillary Tumor of the Pineal Region (Case 2) H&E 7.jpg
2B4 Toxoplasmosis (Case 2) H&E 5A
2C1 Chordoma, pelvic (Case 2) 1 Brachyury whole mount
2C1 Intravascular Papillary Endothelial Hyperplasia (Case 2) CD34 6
2C1 Papillary Tumor of the Pineal Region (Case 2) CK8-18 2.jpg
2C2 Chordoma, pelvic (Case 2) Brachyury 8.jpg
2C2 Intravascular Papillary Endothelial Hyperplasia (Case 2) CD34 3

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