Washington University Experience | Archive | August 2013 (2)

Total matches for August 2013: 79

2A2 Ependymal Fusion Seam, occipital lobe (Case 2) H&E 3
2A4 Ependymal Fusion Seam, occipital lobe (Case 2) H&E 2
3B1 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) 1 H&E 4X
3B2 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) H&E 2
3B3 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) H&E 1
3C1 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) 1 LFB-PAS 4X
3C2 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) LFB-PAS 1
3C3 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) LFB-PAS 2
3C4 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) LFB-PAS 3
3D1 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) NF 4X Location of close-up cop
3D2 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) NF 2
3D3 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) NF 3
3E1 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) 1 CD68 4X
3E2 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) CD68
3F1 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) 1 GFAP 4
3F2 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) GFAP 1
3G1 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) 1 CD3 4X
3G2 Inflammatory Demyelinating Process (Case 3) CD3
4 Axon, spheroids (Case 9) Biels 2
4A1 GBM with PNET features (Case 4) 1 H&E whole moun

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