Washington University Experience | Archive | August 2014 (18)

Total matches for August 2014: 571

5A11 Astro, pilocytic, Hypothal, dissem (Case 5) 10
5B1 DNET (Case 5) A6 1 NF whole mount
5B2 AHL (Case 5) H&E 3
5B2 CPM (Case 5) 1 LFB-PAS whole mount
5B2 GBM with Adenoid features (Case 5) H&E 1.jpg
5B3 Abscess, engulf PMNs (Case 5) H&E 2
5B3 CADASIL (Case 5) H&E 4
5B3 GBM with Adenoid features (Case 5) H&E 2.jpg
5B4 GBM with Adenoid features (Case 5) H&E 3.jpg
5B5 GBM with Adenoid features (Case 5) H&E 4.jpg
5B8 CADASIL (Case 5) H&E 11
5C1 GBM with Adenoid features (Case 5) GFAP 2.jpg
5C1 Perineurioma (Case 5) Plastic 4.jpg
5C2 Cerebroretinal Vasculopathy, CRV, RVCL, TREX, HERNS, Case 5) N12 H&E 2 (2)
5C2 GBM with Adenoid features (Case 5) GFAP 3.jpg
5C2 Perineurioma (Case 5) Plastic 5.jpg
5C3 Astro, pilocytic, Hypothal, dissem (Case 5) H&E WM
5C3 CPM (Case 5) 2 Proteolipid protein whole mount
5C3 GBM with Adenoid features (Case 5) GFAP 5.jpg
5C3 Perineurioma (Case 5) Plastic 7.jpg

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