Washington University Experience | Archive | March 2015 (5)

Total matches for March 2015: 103

5B4 Argyrophilic Grain Disease (AGD, Case 5) PHF1 100X 1.jpg
5C1 MS, chronic SC (Case 5) area A H&E 20X
5C2 MS, chronic SC (Case 5) area A LFB-PAS 20X
5C3 MS, chronic SC (Case 5) area A NF 20X
6 Hippocampal Neuron Loss (Case 1) H&E 4X
6G7control Dentate SYN.jpg
8B2 Ascending tract degeneration, dorsal columns due to caudal myelitis (Case 11) LFB-PAS 2
8C2 Ascending tract degeneration, dorsal columns due to caudal myelitis (Case 11) Biels 1
8C3 Ascending tract degeneration, dorsal columns due to caudal myelitis (Case 11) Biels 4 40X 1
10L3 Ependymoma & Syrinx (Case 10L) H&E 2.jpg
13N1 ALS (Case 13N) Anterior Horn Bunina body H&E 1.jpg
13N2 ALS (Case 13N) Anterior Horn Bunina body H&E 2.jpg
13N3 ALS (Case 13N Corticospinal tract H&E 2.jpg
19B1 Meningioma, anaplastic (Case 19) H&E whole mount
19B3 Meningioma, anaplastic (Case 19) H&E 4.jpg
19B4 Meningioma, anaplastic (Case 19) H&E 7.jpg
19C1 Meningioma, anaplastic (Case 19 EMA 3.jpg
19D Meningioma, anaplastic (Case 19) PR 4.jpg
19E Meningioma, anaplastic (Case 19) Ki67 2.jpg
19F Meningioma, anaplastic (Case 19) GFAP 1.jpg

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