Washington University Experience | Archive | January 2016 (2)

Total matches for January 2016: 95

1G2 Meningitis, Group B STR (Case 1) N9 H&E 3
1G3 Meningitis, Group B STR (Case 1) N9 H&E 1 copy
1H1 Meningitis, Group B STR (Case 1) N9 H&E 7
2A1 Hemosiderin & hematoidin (Case 4) H&E 1
2A2 Hemosiderin & hematoidin (Case 4) Iron 1.
4A1 Cyst, keratinous, dermoid type (Case 4) H&E 3
4A1 Metastases, prostate (Case 4) H&E 2.jpg
4A2 Cyst, keratinous, dermoid type (Case 4) H&E 1
4A2 Metastases, prostate (Case 4) H&E 1.jpg
4A3 Cyst, keratinous, dermoid type (Case 4) H&E 2
4B Metastases, prostate (Case 4) PSAP 3.jpg
5F1 Astroblastoma (Case 5) Plastic 2.jpg
5F2 Astroblastoma (Case 5) Plastic 3.jpg
6A1 GBM, giant cell and PNET (Case 6) H&E 4X.jpg
6A2 GBM, giant cell and PNET (Case 6) H&E 1
6A3 GBM, giant cell and PNET (Case 6) H&E 7.jpg
6A4 GBM, giant cell and PNET (Case 6) H&E 6.jpg
6B1 GBM, giant cell and PNET (Case 6) GFAP 1.jpg
6B1 Hemangioma (Case 6) H&E whole mount
6B2 GBM, giant cell and PNET (Case 6) GFAP 2.jpg

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