Washington University Experience | Archive | June 2018 (11)

Total matches for June 2018: 257

7D1 Meningioma, microcystic & clear-cell type (Case 7) PAS with digestion 1
7D2 Meningioma, microcystic & clear-cell type (Case 7) PAS with digestion 3
7D Epilepsy, dentate nodules (Case 7) Synaptophysin 4
8B1 Meningioma, fibroblastic (Case 8) H&E 7
8B2 Meningioma, fibroblastic (Case 8) H&E 1
8B3 Meningioma, fibroblastic (Case 8) H&E 3
8B4 Meningioma, fibroblastic (Case 8) H&E 8
8C1 Meningioma, fibroblastic (Case 8) EMA 2
8C2 Meningioma, fibroblastic (Case 8) EMA 3
8D1 Meningioma, fibroblastic (Case 8) S100
8D2 Meningioma, fibroblastic (Case 8) S100 1
8E Meningioma, fibroblastic (Case 8) Collagen IV 2
10A1 Meningioma, clear cell type (Case 10) H&E 1
10A2 Meningioma, clear cell type (Case 10) H&E 2
10A3 Meningioma, clear cell type (Case 10) H&E 4
10A4 Meningioma, clear cell type (Case 10) H&E 5
10B1 Meningioma, clear cell type (Case 10 PAS no diastase 1
10B2 Meningioma, clear cell type (Case 10) PAS no diastase 2
10C1 Meningioma, clear cell type (Case 10) PAS with diastase 2
10C2 Meningioma, clear cell type (Case 10) PAS with diastase 1

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