Washington University Experience | Archive | September 2018 (11)

Total matches for September 2018: 211

16A3 Sarcoid (Case 16) T2 with contrast 1 copy - Copy
16A4 Sarcoid (Case 16) T2 with contrast 3 slice 45 of 96 copy - Copy
16A5 Sarcoid (Case 16) T1 with contrast 3 slice 90 of 208 - Copy
16B1 Sarcoid (Case 16) H&E 5
16B2 Sarcoid (Case 16) H&E 4
16B3 Sarcoid (Case 16) H&E 6
16B4 Sarcoid (Case 16) H&E 7 copy A
16B5 Sarcoid (Case 16) H&E 1 Asteroid body copy
16B6 Sarcoid (Case 16) H&E 1 Asteroid body 2A
16C1 Sarcoid (Case 16) AFB 2
16C2 Sarcoid (Case 16) Fite 2

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