Washington University Experience | Archive | October 2018 (2)

Total matches for October 2018: 293

1B4 MS, Secondary Progressive, fulminant (Case 1) 14 copy
1B4 Schwannian Remyelination (Case 1) H&E 40X
1B5 Schwannian Remyelination (Case 1) Solochrome cyanine 10X match with A copy
1B6 Schwannian Remyelination (Case 1) Solochrome cyanine 40X
1B8 MS, Secondary Progressive, fulminant (Case 1) 5 copy
1B8 Schwannian Remyelination (Case 1) Po 10X match with A
1B9 Schwannian Remyelination (Case 1) Po 40X
1C1 MS (Case 1) N10 H&E WM
1C2 Embolism, air (Case 1) N1 H&E 4X
1C2 MS (Case 1) N10 H&E 4X
1C2 MS (Case 1) N10 LFB-PAS WM
1C3 Embolism, air (Case 1) N1 H&E 20X Ca 1
1C3 MS, Tumefactive (Case 1) 40X intraoperative smear 3
1C4 MS (Case 1) N10 Bielschowsky WM
1C5 MS (Case 1) N10 Bielschowsky demyelinated side 20X
1C6 Embolism, air (Case 1) N13 H&E 2X
1C6 MS (Case 1) N10 Bielschowsky normal side 20X
1C7 MS (Case 1) LFB- & P-NFH copy
1C MS, Case 1, 7 years later1-6-2015, TIRM with Contrast copy - Copy
1D1 MS, Tumefactive (Case 1) 10X permanent 1

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