Washington University Experience | Archive | May 2019 (4)

Total matches for May 2019: 124

3A4 Occipital lobe, stria Gennari (Case 3) LFB-PAS 40X
3B1 HLH (DDx ADEM) (Case 3) 6-8-2018 FLAIR 21 - Copy
3B2 HLH (DDx ADEM) (Case 3) 6-8-2018 T1 with contrast 3 - Copy
3B3 HLH (DDx ADEM) (Case 3) 6-8-2018 T1 with contrast 2 - Copy
3C5 HLH, Perforin1 mutation (Case 3) H&E 40X
4 Arachnoid granulations, sclerotic (Case 4) 1
4A1 Cerebellum, dentate nucleus (Case 4) SYN 1
4A1 Pituitary, normal Hering Bodies and Erdheim rests (Case 4) H&E 5
4A2 Pituitary, normal Hering Bodies and Erdheim rests (Case 4) H&E 3
4A Striate Cortex (Case 4) H&E whole mount copy
4B Striate Cortex (Case 4) Biels whole mount copy
5 Arachnoid Granulations (Case 5) copy
5 Striate Cortex (Case 5) MS copy
5A1 Normal Mouse Cerebellum WT Cerebellum (06-211A) EM 38 - Copy
5A1 Obersteiner-Redlich Zone XII nerve (Case 5) H&E 1 copy
5A2 iPLA2beta WT Cerebellum (06-211A) nl Purkinje  & granule cells EM 34 copy - Copy
5A2 Obersteiner-Redlich Zone XII nerve (Case 5) H&E 2 copy
5A3 Cerebellum, normal mouse, EM (Kotzbauer exp) 2 - Copy
5A4 Normal Cerebellum Purkinje and granule cells iPLA2beta WT Cerebellum (06-211A) nl Purkinje cell EM 28 - Copy
5A5 iPLA2beta WT Cerebellum (06-211A) granule cells EM 20 - Copy

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