Washington University Experience | Archive | May 2019 (6)

Total matches for May 2019: 124

10A2 Arachnoid granulations, perisaggital (Case 10) H&E 7
10A3 Arachnoid granulations, perisaggital (Case 10) H&E 1 copy
10A4 Arachnoid granulations, perisaggital (Case 10) H&E 4 copy
11A1 Arachnoid Granulations (Case 11) H&E 2
11A2 Arachnoid Granulations (Case 11) H&E 5
13A1 Superior Saggital Sinus and Arachnoid Granulations (Case 13) N15 H&E 1 copy
13A2 Superior Saggital Sinus and Arachnoid Granulations (Case 13) N15 H&E 2
14B AVM (Case 14) H&E 2X 2
14C1 AVM (Case 14) Trichrome 2X 2
14C2 AVM (Case 14) Trichrome 2X 4
14D AVM (Case 14) Elastin 2X
14E AVM (Case 14) SMA 2X
16A1 Arachnoid granulations (Case 16) H&E whole mount copy
16A1 Hippocampal sclerosis (Case 16) FLAIR 1 - Copy
16A2 Arachnoid granulations (Case 16) H&E 1
16A2 Hippocampal sclerosis (Case 16) T2 with contrast 1 - Copy
16A2 Meningioma, Grade II Brain invasion (Case 16) H&E 1
16B1 Hippocampal sclerosis (Case 16) NeuN WM
16B2 Hippocampal sclerosis (Case 16) NeuN 2X
51A2 Metastasis, giant cell CA lung (Case 51) H&E 1

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